IRSE - Institution of Railway Signal Engineers > Publications & Resources
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  1. Licensing
  2. Membership & Registration
  3. Qualifications & CPD
  4. Publications & Resources
  5. Get Involved
  6. News
  7. About

Publications and Resources

Knowledge database

The IRSE manages a database of technical papers. This database is fully searchable, and allows you to find:

  • Papers on a range of key themes
  • Papers published in IRSE News
  • Papers published in connection with major events (eg ASPECT)
  • Presidential Programme papers

The database also includes some non-IRSE papers on subjects relevant to members. Click here ( to access the database.


We publish IRSE News on-line in addition to distributing the printed versions. These contain technical papers and articles (most of which are also listed in the Knowledge Base).

International technical committee

The IRSE's international technical committee provides a multi-national and independent perspective on railway control, command and signalling (CCS) topics.  Their reports cover a range of topics and are of relevance to IRSE members and non-members.

Presidential papers, events and seminars

The IRSE organises conferences, conventions and seminars throughout the year, and the output of the major events is published on this website. Webcasts of our Presidential Programme papers are also available.

Text Books

The Institution publishes a number of text books about railway signalling, control and communications (see synopsis of many of them here) and these are available to members and non-members to purchase in our online shop (login required for member discount).

Fundamental Requirements For Train Control Systems

The IRSE has defined the fundamental requirements (version 8.3 July 2024) which describe the overall purpose of a train control system and have produced a visual framework of these. The requirements are non-specific about the means by which they are achieved, and could include people, procedures and technology in any combination. These requirements are not mandated by the IRSE but nevertheless, the requirements are regarded as essential for any train control system. These requirements are also in a searchable database form here.